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Check out our past mentorship pairs!!
In 2022 The Teaching Artist Hub started a grant called the "Summer Mentorship Mini-Grant". With a total of 11 artists creating projects and collaborating together, we saw the excitement, the passion and the creative process flourish. In 2023 we were able to extend the grant and added 2 more artists, which 12 artists produced. By 2024, the need for collaboration and creation was booming. Artists want to work together and learn from one another. By giving more time to work in school settings throughout the year as well as summer months we let the creation process be six months opposed to two. Giving more time for artists to create.10 artists received the grant. This year we simplified the grant name: Teaching Artist Mentorship Grant. We are looking to add 10 more artists this year!!
What is a Mentor?
A mentor is a skilled teaching artist who is active in their arts discipline. They have understanding and experience in creating and executing lesson plans. A TA Mentor has taught in environments such as K-12, after school programs for youth, community group settings and adult learning.
We want to ensure our teaching artists have resources and people they can turn to in order to develop their skills as teaching artists. We know you have a lot to share with the next generation of teaching artist so let us support you in doing so!

Kelvin Young & Courtney Thompson
Being a mentor to Courtney on her sound healing journey has been an incredible experience. Courtney led her first sound healing event with grace, Watching her blossom into a sound healer has been truly rewarding. Special thanks to the CT Teaching Artist Hub for the opportunity to work with Courtney though this mentorship grant.
Nadine Green & Natalie Barksdale
During the process the roles of mentor and mentee became a majestic exchange of our thoughts, ideas, shared literary creativity and love of literature. I learned equally as much as I taught while mentoring, creating and facilitating our “Literary Arts Teaching Artist Mentorship Grant Experience!”

Racheal Gnatowski & Fiona Connolly

The success of the participating students in their final performance is of course the most obvious meter of success in this mentorship process, but Rachael and Fiona both learned more that they can now take with them into future teaching projects as well.

We have a STRONG interest in working with refugee and immigrant families. My own interest stems from my immigrant experience and I know first-hand our work with circus empowers, promotes cross-cultural socialization, and play among families.
Laughter is our language and what we do goes hand in hand with IRIS’s mission.
Cynthia Raushert & Christian Gonzales

Alicia Cobb & Bennie Pharr IV
Alicia displayed a high level of engagement with the participants throughout the workshop as she moved around the room, actively listening to ideas and providing constructive feedback. Her approach encouraged open dialogue and fostered a supportive environment where participants felt comfortable sharing their work.

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